Can CBD Gummies Help Reduce Pain?
We answer the frequently asked question “Can CBD gummies help reduce pain?”

Which CBD Dosage Is Right for Me?
Discover how much CBD is right for you by trying different levels to determine what works best for your body and goals.

Does CBD Help You Sleep?
Discover how CBD could help you sleep better and how it works compared to other sleep aids, plus find products to help you get better rest.

hemp 101
How Often Can You Use CBD?
Get some tips on how you can figure out how often and how much CBD you can use.

Does CBD Have Recovery Benefits for Working Out?
Learn why CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help your post-workout recovery.

Paul Spills The CBD
The Hemp Division co-founder Paul Harney answers some of the most frequently asked questions about CBD.

Spark Happy Hour
For six weeks, we’ll be featuring a different cocktail created specifically for The Hemp Division by wellness chef Pete Ghione.